Montanans are Dreamers too!

In the heart of America, beneath the vast expanse of its sky, lies a boundless spirit of possibility—a spirit that beckons the courageous, the driven, and the determined to step forward and lead. Running for office in this great land is not merely a pursuit of power, but a noble quest to serve, uplift, and bring forth the best within our communities.

Being born in America means being part of a country with a rich history and diverse culture. It means having certain rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, such as freedom of speech, religion, owning guns, and the right to vote. It means growing up in a society that values individualism, opportunity, and the pursuit of happiness not lawfare against your political opponents. Overall, being born in America offers a unique set of opportunities, experiences, and responsibilities that shape one's identity and worldview.

I am running for office to restore sanity and focus on promoting rationality, reason, and level-headed decision-making in governance. My candidacy will emphasize the importance of evidence-based policymaking and a commitment to addressing pressing issues with pragmatism rather than ideological extremism.

As YOUR representative, that’s right, if you hire me to represent YOU, I work for you! I will focus will be on the following issues.

  1. Ensuring our community doesn’t become filled with unvetted illegal immigrants and rampant crime.

  2. Banning foreign countries from buying Montana Farmland.

  3. Enact laws to keep the corrupt and greedy politicians from raising our property taxes non-stop.

  4. Banning the Federal Government from taking our kids for their never-ending wars.

  5. Not interested in the typical left vs right identity politics as both establishments hate us. I will vote based on facts, not feelings, or just going along with the party.

    These issues are just the beginning of what’s important to me, and I think are important to you as well. The only thing they have is to hate your neighbor. We agree on so much more than we disagree on, and disagreements are okay too. Let’s stop the tribal politics and come together to get something done. That’s what they fear the most. Remember, Montanans are Dreamers too!